Writing Ideas – Writing Science Fiction, part 156 Extrapolating Military Technology, Advanced Space Communications

29 March 2014, Writing Ideas – Writing Science Fiction, part 156 Extrapolating Military Technology, Advanced Space Communications

Announcement: There is action on my new novels.  The publisher renamed the series–they are still working on the name.  I provided suggestions as did one of my prepub readers. Now the individual books will be given single names: Leora, Leila, Russia, Lumiere’, China, Sveta, and Klava–at least these are some of the suggestions.  They are also working on a single theme for the covers.  I’ll keep you updated.

Introduction:  I wrote the novel Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon.  This was my 21st novel, and on this blog, I gave you the entire novel in installments that included commentary on the writing.  In the commentary, in addition to other general information on writing, I explained, how the novel was constructed, the metaphors and symbols in it, the writing techniques and tricks I used, and the way I built the scenes.  You can look back through this blog and read the entire novel–start with https://ldalford.wordpress.com/2010/12/12/daemon-installment-1-the-incantation/.

I’m using this novel as an example of how I produce, market, and eventually (we hope) get a novel published.  I’ll keep you informed along the way.  At this moment, I’m showing you the creative process I used to put together the novel.

Today’s Blog:  To see the steps in the publication process, go to my writing website http://www.ldalford.com/ and select “production schedule,” you will be sent to http://www.sisteroflight.com/.

Here are my four rules (plus one) of writing:

1. Don’t confuse your readers.
2. Entertain your readers.
3. Ground your readers in the writing.
4. Don’t show (or tell) everything.
5. Immerse yourself in the world of your  writing.

I am writing about the extrapolation of science and technology to be able to write science fiction.  I made the point that it is almost meaningless to try to fully extrapolate a universe (world) that is 10,000 years in the future (and maybe 1,000 years in the future) without applying some cultural and technological shaping.

By shaping the cultures of your science fiction universe, you can shape the science and technology that is extrapolated.  Here is how I culturally shaped the universe of The Chronicles of the Dragon and the Fox to make the 10,000 year extrapolation work.

The major areas in warfare technology are:
1.  Software
2.  Weapons
3.  Countermeasures
4.  Defense
5.  Communications
6.  Robots
7.  Vehicles
8.  Environments (personal equipment)
9. Costs


The speed of light is a problem for both interstellar transportation and communications.  The fact that the speed of light is the current limit for the speed of radio (and light, they are the same, electromagnetic) frequency communications, makes communication across interstellar distances problematic.  If it takes 5 years to get a message to Alpha Centari (the closest star to earth), then there is a significant problem of scale and need.  Who needs a message five years old, and what good does it do you.  The solutions are kind of obvious.

In the Chronicles of the Dragon and Fox novels, I posited a system of courier spaceships that carried communications for people, the government, and the military.  With the speed of light (as long as there is a means of transportation faster than light (FTL)), this is a viable means of communications.  Additionally, I also had a means of sending an automatic/uninhabited communications ship (like a satellite) to move the communications.  In the science fiction world I created, I couldn’t extrapolate a means of faster than light communications beyond that of transportation.

I also used this as part of the cultural shaping of the universe.  I didn’t want instantaneous communications–I wanted to have delays so many groups were out of the loop on information.  This was part of the theme and plot development in the novels.  This made for many of the plot elements in the novel.  Some groups were surprised to learn what had gone on in the universe based on the actions of the main character.  This allowed me to build excitement for the reader and in the plot.

More tomorrow.

Also remember, I’m trying to show you and give you examples of how to write a science fiction theme statement and turn it into a plot.

A note from one of my readers:  Speaking of which, I am awaiting for you to write a detailed installment on identifying, and targeting your audience, or audiences…ie, multi-layered story, for various audiences…like CS Lewis did. Just a thought.

I’ll repeat my published novel websites so you can see more examples: http://www.ldalford.com/, and the individual novel websites: http://www.aegyptnovel.com/, http://www.centurionnovel.com/, http://www.thesecondmission.com/, http://www.theendofhonor.com/, http://www.thefoxshonor.com/, and http://www.aseasonofhonor.com/.

Aksinya Cover Proposal

About L.D. Alford

L. D. Alford is a novelist whose writing explores with originality those cultures and societies we think we already know. His writing distinctively develops the connections between present events and history—he combines them with threads of reality that bring the past alive. L. D. Alford is familiar with technology and cultures—he is widely traveled and earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Pacific Lutheran University, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Dayton, and is a graduate of Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, and the USAF Test Pilot School. L. D. Alford is an author who combines intimate scientific and cultural knowledge into fiction worlds that breathe reality. He is the author of three historical fiction novels: Centurion, Aegypt, and The Second Mission, and three science fiction novels: The End of Honor, The Fox’s Honor, and A Season of Honor.
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